About Dr. Yunus M Bhavnagri
Dr.Bhavnagri has been practicing as a Dental Surgeon since 1976.
He has a well-equipped clinic with the latest instruments and the infrastructure is one of the best in the city. In the clinic, ultimate care is taken to assure proper sterilization.
He has received JAYDEEP Singh award for excellence in Sports. He has also been awarded a Certificate for the 'BEST DENTAL TECHNIQUE' from Nair Hospital Dental Collage.
About Dr. Aamir Y Bhavnagri
Dr. Aamir has been practicing since the year of 2000. He has achieved his degree from A.D.C Bijapur and has completed the internship from G.D.C.H Ahmedabad. He has received several medals in target shooting at the state and national level. He is also the founding member and trustee of All India Game Fishing Association."